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Compound words in Spanish

Compound words in Spanish

Compound words in Spanish. The complete list of the most used Spanish compound words, master the language and learn vocabulary with Enforex.

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Have you ever heard of compound words in Spanish? They are probably very similar in your native language, but do you know any in Spanish? If your New Year's resolution is to become more fluent in Spanish, this post is for you.

Learn the most used compound words in Spanish and their meaning, as well as examples of sentences where they are used. Enforex helps you improve your knowledge of the language and, if you want to go a step further, take an intensive Spanish course in Spain with us.

What are compound words in Spanish?

Compound words in Spanish are words that are formed by joining two or more simple words, combining their structures to create a new term with a different meaning. These words can be formed by elements of different grammatical categories such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions or prefixes.

A compound word in Spanish can be inseparable, when it appears as an indivisible unit, for example, sacapuntas (pencil sharpener); or separable, when the elements retain some independence, such as hispano-romano.

However, you should keep in mind that the meaning of the compound word in Spanish is not always the direct sum of its parts. For example, the word “sordomudo” (deaf-mute) describes a person who neither hears nor speaks.

Types of compound words in Spanish

We can distinguish several types of compound words in Spanish:

list of compound words in spanish

List of compound words in Spanish

We can differentiate compound words in Spanish according to the category of the words that form it.

Verb + Noun

Bellow you will find the compound word, its definition and English translation:

example compound words in spanish

Noun + Noun

Adjective +Noun / Noun + Adjective

compound words spanish - medioambiente

Adjective + Adjective

Verb + Verb

Adverb + Verb

Prefix + Noun or Adjective

To learn more about prefixes and suffixes in Spanish, visit our blog.

Noun + Preposition + Noun

spanish compound words

In addition, there are some more complex compound words, some of which have arisen from popular usage. For example: hazmerreír (hacer + me + reír), said of a person whose ridiculous figure and extravagant appearance amuse others. In general, this compound word has a negative connotation.

Examples with compound words in Spanish

Here are some sentences with the above compound words so you can see how they are used:

These are just a few commonly used Spanish compound words that you might hear in any conversation. But if you are still hungry for more, don't hesitate to come learn Spanish in Spain with Enforex in any of the 11 cities where we have Spanish schools.

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