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Diaeresis: what is it and when should it be used?

Diaeresis: what is it and when should it be used?

Diaeresis. Do you know how and when to use the dieresis in Spanish? Enforex gives you the keys to learning how to use the diaeresis in Spanish words.

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Have you ever found two points over a vowel while reading in Spanish? You may have seen a “u” with a diaeresis in certain words, but do you know what it means or when it should be used?

This linguistic phenomenon is called the diaeresis (¨) and has an important function in pronunciation. Unlike in English, where the diaeresis is very rare and is mainly found in old or formal texts (as in coöperate or naïve), in Spanish it has a specific and necessary use in certain words.

Below, we explain what the diaeresis is, when and why it is used in Spanish.

What is diaeresis?

The diaeresis is an orthographic symbol, represented by two small dots, which are placed over a vowel, specifically over the “u”, in certain syllables (“gue” and “gui”) to indicate that this vowel is pronounced.

Normally, in words like “guerra” (war) or “guitarra” (guitar), the vowel u is silent. However, when the diaeresis is added, it indicates that the u should be pronounced as an independent sound.

Here are some examples of words with diaeresis:

Without the diaeresis, these words would be pronounced incorrectly according to the phonetic rules of Spanish.

diaeresis in spanish

Why is the diaeresis important?

The diaeresis in Spanish guarantees correct pronunciation and helps to differentiate words. If it is omitted, a Spanish speaker could mistakenly apply the general rule where the syllables “gue” and “gui” have a silent “u”.

Generally, Spanish speakers omit this vowel in words, which is why the diaeresis is necessary, to know when to pronounce the u and when not to. For example: “guitarra” does not have a diaeresis because the u is silent and the “i” carries more weight. Whereas in “amortigüe” the u is pronounced since otherwise the word would sound phonetically wrong.

Like any other orthographic sign in Spanish, the diaeresis has certain rules when it comes to its use:

spanish word with dieresis

In addition to Spanish, there are other languages that also use the diaeresis. Among them we find:

Examples of words in Spanish with diaeresis

Below you will find sentences with Spanish words that carry diaeresis:

dieresis in spanish

In addition to some words such as “pingüino” (penguin) or “vergüenza” (shame), some verb conjugations ending in -guar also require diaeresis. For example: “averigüé” or “agüé”. On the other hand, the verb “argüir” (to argue) loses the diaeresis when it is conjugated: “yo arguyo”, “ellos arguyeron” or “nosotros arguyamos”.

Although these are some of the most common, there are other words with umlauts in Spanish that do not appear in our example sentences, such as zarigüeya”, “ungüento or “lengüeta”. So, although the diaeresisis not very common in Spanish, it is essential for the correct pronunciation of words with the syllable “gue” and “gui”; and it appears in more words than you think.

Understanding this small but important symbol will help you sound more natural and avoid pronunciation mistakes. Keep practicing and learn Spanish in Spain to master all the Spanish words with accents.

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