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Difficult words in Spanish: how to pronounce them

Difficult words in Spanish: how to pronounce them

Here you will find a list of Spanish words that are difficult to pronounce. Surely there are words and sounds that are difficult for you to pronounce in Spanish.

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Spanish is one of the five most spoken languages in the world, so it is not surprising that more and more people are encouraged to study it. Although, Spanish is a rich and diverse language, it also has words that are difficult to pronounce even for native speakers.

The complexity of phonetics and semantics makes some words a challenge for students of Spanish. Thus, if this is your case, you are learning Spanish and want to expand your vocabulary with complex words, this article is for you.

Here you will find words that are difficult to pronounce in Spanish such as “esternocleidomastoideo” or “electroencefalografía”, as well as their meanings and how they are pronounced. Don't miss anything!

15 difficult words to pronounce in Spanish

Most Spanish words are pronounced as they are spelled and, therefore, do not require a great deal of effort for learners of Spanish. But in this list of difficult Spanish words, you will find terms that do pose a challenge, even for native speakers.

1. Esternocleidomastoideo (Sternocleidomastoid)

The first word, esternocleidomastoideo, refers to a long, thick neck muscle that runs from the sternum and clavicle to the back of the head. This word is composed of 22 characters and is difficult even for native to pronounce. Its pronunciation is: es-ter-no-klei-do-mas-toi-deo.

2. Otorrinolaringólogo (Otolaryngologist)

Let’s continue with a physician specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the ear, nose, and throat. The word otorrinolaringólogo is one of the most complex in the language. It is pronounced: o-to-ri-no-la-rin-rin-go-ló-go.

3. Idiosincrasia (Idiosyncrasy)

Idiosincrasia is a distinctive and peculiar characteristic or characteristics that define a person or community. This is the correct way to pronounce it: i-dio-sin-kra-sia.

4. Ovovíparo (Ovoviviparous)

This term is applied to animals that reproduce by laying eggs that develop inside the mother's body: ovovíparo. Not to be confused with the word ovíparo (oviparous), which is an egg that grows outside the mother's womb; or with vivíparo (viviparous), which applies to all animals that develop in the mother's womb. It is pronounced o-vo-ví-pa-ro.

5. Caleidoscopio (Kaleidoscope)

The word caleidoscopio refers to an optical toy that produces changing and colorful patterns when a tube filled with shards of glass or paper is rotated. This word is very similar to its English translation: kaleidoscope. Thus, it is pronounced: ka-lei-dos-co-pio.

Kaleidoscope Spanish difficult terms

6. Metacrilato (Methacrylate)

Another difficult word in Spanish is metacrilato. It is a transparent polymer like glass, used in the manufacture of various products, such as plastics and paints. It is pronounced like this: me-ta-cri-la-to.

7. Ventrícocuo (Ventriloquist)

This word can be a bit of a tongue twister if you are learning Spanish. Ventrícocuo is a person who can speak in a way that makes it sound like his or her voice is coming from another source, usually a dummy or figure. It is pronounced: ven-trí-lo-cuo.

8. Electroencefalografía (Electroencephalography)

A method of recording the electrical activity of the brain by means of electrodes placed on the scalp. Electroencefalografía may enter the top 5 most difficult words for students to pronounce in Spanish. Pronounced: e-lec-tro-en-ce-fa-lo-gra-fia.

9. Onomatopeya (Onomatopoeia)

The formation of words that imitate or suggest the sounds associated with the things they describe is onomatopeya. For example, 'woof woof', the sound a dog makes when it barks would be an onomatopeya. This is the correct way to pronounce it: o-no-ma-to-pe-ia.

10. Paralelepípedo (Paralelepiped)

This word also falls into the tongue twister category: paralelepípedo. It is a polyhedron with six faces, which are parallelograms, parallel and equal two by two. That is, it is a solid limited by six parallelograms. This is how it is pronounced: pa-ra-le-le-le-pí-pe-do.

Paralelepipedo Spanish difficult word

11. Despampanante (Stunning)

The pronunciation of the letters “m” and “p” in Spanish can be complex, the example is in the word despampanante. It refers to something or someone that causes astonishment or surprise because of its extraordinary beauty or impact. This is how it is pronounced: des-pam-pa-nan-te.

12. Exquisito (Exquisite)

Of great quality, refined or extremely pleasing to the palate, that means exquisito. The sound of the “x” and “q” together is the difficult part of this word. This is how it is pronounced: eks-ki-si-to.

13. Anacronismo (Anachronism)

The word anacronismo means a thing that seems to be out of its historical time, either before or after its time. This is its pronunciation: a-na-cro-nis-mo.

14. Indómito (Indomitable)

Something or someone that is wild, uncontrollable, or resistant to being tamed: indómito. It's not the most difficult word in Spanish, but it can be challenging. Here's how to pronounce it: in-dó-mi-to.

15. Estruendoso (Thunderous)

The last word is estruendoso, which refers to when a loud, deafening, or thunderous noise is produced. These last terms can also be difficult for a person learning Spanish: ensordecedor and atronador. Estruendoso is pronounced: es-tru-en-do-so.

These words, some used more than others on a day-to-day basis, present unique challenges for learners of Spanish. The diversity of sounds and the combination of letters can be intimidating at first, but with practice and patience, you will be able to master all these Spanish words.

There are countless words that make Spanish a rich, yet complex and diverse language. Pronunciation is also key, so if you choose to study a Spanish course in Spain, you will be able to ask your teachers and native speakers any questions you have about how to pronounce a particular word. Go ahead and learn Spanish in Spain!

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