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How many words are in Spanish?

How many words are in Spanish?

Have you ever wondered how many words there are in Spanish? Find the answer you're looking for in this Enforex article. Do you guess the answer?

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Have you ever wondered how many words are in Spanish? Because this is a question that has fascinated many Spanish scholars and speakers, even students who are just beginning to learn the language. The answer, however, is not so simple.

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages with many words in the dictionary of the Real Academia Española or RAE (Royal Spanish Academy). As a result, more and more people are signing up to learn Spanish in Spain, a fact that brings the number of Spanish speakers to almost 600 million people worldwide.

A difficult figure to find out

It is important to note that the dictionary of the Spanish language of the RAE is one of the most important references to know the lexicon of Spanish and is responsible for collecting most of the words in this language. However, it is impossible to reflect the total number of words that exist in Spanish in a single dictionary. In addition, this dictionary only includes the Spanish words that the RAE considers pertinent to include.

Spanish is a living and constantly evolving language, always creating and adopting new words, while others fall into disuse. For example, terms such as "tuit", “oscarizar”, “machirulo” or "selfi" were incorporated due to their influence in society, technology and social networks. Instead, old words that are no longer commonly used may not be present in the current dictionary.

In addition, Spanish is a language rich in regional variations. There are terms and expressions that are specific to certain countries or regions. For example, the word "platicar" is used in Mexico to refer to conversing, while in Spain "charlar" or “hablar” are preferred. These types of phenomena make it even more difficult to count all the words in Spanish.

On the other hand, there is FUNDEU, an entity that promotes the correct use of Spanish, and contributes to the process of updating and adapting the lexicon. FUNDEU works in collaboration with the RAE to advise speakers on the correct use of new Spanish words and terms, thus ensuring that the language remains current and functional for today's speakers.

How many words are in the Spanish language

Additionally, Spanish stands out for its great ability to form new words from an existing root. For example, the root "escribir" gives rise to words such as "escrito", "escritura", "escribano", "escritor", and many more. This process of derivation greatly enriches the available vocabulary and allows for great flexibility and creativity in the use of the language, although not all words derived from a root are included in the dictionary.

It is also interesting to note the influence that other languages have had on Spanish. Words of Arabic origin, such as "almohada" (pillow) or "azúcar" (sugar), reflect the history of the Iberian Peninsula. Likewise, contact with other languages through globalization has introduced numerous Anglicisms and neologisms that are now part of everyday Spanish.

Not to mention the jargons and idioms that, although not always officially recognized, play a crucial role in the daily communication of Spanish speakers. Words such as "chido" in Mexico, "chévere" in several Latin American countries, or "molar" in Spain, demonstrate how Spanish adapts and evolves in different social and cultural contexts.

So... how many words exist in Spanish?

In its latest edition, the RAE dictionary includes more than 93,000 words, but many of them are Americanisms (words specific to American Spanish). Remember that the number of words in Spanish can increase over time, as new terms are added, some like “bitcoin”, “criptomoneda” (cryptocurrency) or “webinario”, every year, according to the needs of the language.

On the other hand, if you consult the Diccionario Histórico de la Lengua Española, which also belongs to the RAE, you may find more than 150,000 Spanish words. Although many of them are in disuse and are not used in colloquial language.

In conclusion, accurately determining the number of words in Spanish, or any language, is a complex and arduous task. This is mainly since languages are constantly changing, adapting to new realities and contexts. Therefore, it is the daily use of Spanish and the ability of its speakers to create and adapt words according to the needs of society that is the true value of the language.

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