If you still don't know how to introduce yourself in Spanish, lack vocabulary or need a push to get closer to native speakers and practice your Spanish, this article is for you. Learn how to introduce yourself in Spanish: words, phrases and basic Spanish vocabulary so that others get to know you and get a good impression of you.
Introductions in Spanish are easy with practice, so with all the vocabulary you will learn in this article, introducing yourself in Spanish will be a piece of cake. Although one of the best ways to practice is to learn Spanish in Spain with Enforex, experience the culture, people and unique atmosphere of Spanish cities while practicing how to introduce yourself in Spanish.
Introducing yourself in Spanish
Before introducing yourself in an everyday situation with native Spanish speakers, let's review the introductions in a Spanish class. The learning context is much easier and simpler since you don't need to know how to continue the conversation, you simply introduce yourself in Spanish and the next student continues.
Therefore, in a Spanish course you can introduce yourself in the following ways:
- Hola, me llamo Eloise (Hello, my name is Eloise)
- Encantado de conocerte, mi nombre es William (Nice to meet you, my name is William)
- Hola, yo soy Sarah (Hello, my name is Sarah)
All these ways of introducing yourself in Spanish are valid for both informal and formal contexts. In addition, you can add some flourish or expression to make it more formal if necessary. For example: 'Encantado de conocerle', 'Es un placer conocerle' or, simply, 'Encantada', all these expressions mean ‘Nice to meet you’.
Expand your presentation in Spanish
However, most of the time you will have to introduce yourself in Spanish will occur outside the classroom. In all these situations, in addition to giving your name, it is important to start a conversation with other facts about yourself. In this way, you will be able to introduce yourself and get to know the person you are speaking to better.

Below, you will find several topics you can ask about or give information about yourself during a presentation in Spanish.
Your age
Here are some phrases you can use to introduce yourself in Spanish and talk about your age:
- Hola, me llamo Ruth, encantada. Tengo 23 años, ¿y tú? (Hello, my name is Ruth, encantada. I'm 23 years old, and you?)
- Soy Daniel y tengo 36 años (I'm Daniel and I'm 36 years old)
- Mi nombre es John y cumplo 45 años hoy (My name is John and I'm 45 today)
Where are you from
Sometimes it is difficult to come up with a topic to talk about, so choosing to tell where you come from, where you live or where you work can help you develop your presentation in Spanish. Here are some phrases that can serve as examples:
- Soy de Valencia (I am from Valencia)
- Vivo en Madrid, pero nací en Londres (I live in Madrid, but I was born in London)
- Actualmente vivo en París, Francia (I currently live in Paris, France)
- Vengo de Hong Kong (I come from Hong Kong)
- Nací en Roma, pero ahora vivo en Turín (I was born in Rome, but now I live in Turin)
- Soy de Texas, pero ahora trabajo en Santiago de Chile (I am from Texas, but now I work in Santiago, Chile)
Your profession
Another very common topic in a presentation about yourself is to talk about your job or your profession:
- Mucho gusto, soy Robert y me dedico a la jardinería (Nice to meet you, I'm Robert and I'm a gardener)
- Me llamo Sam y soy artista (My name is Sam and I am an artist)
- Mi nombre es Paola y soy doctora (My name is Paola and I am a doctor)
In this section you can start by talking about your profession, your day-to-day life at work or how you decided to study your career. Any option is valid and will help you practice the Spanish vocabulary you have learned.

Your hobbies
Also, if you really want to talk about yourself and present yourself in Spanish in the right way, talking about your hobbies is the best way to start doing it. Talk about what you like to do, your interests or tell something interesting. For example:
- Me encanta pintar (I love to paint)
- Mi hobbie favorito es patina sobre hielo (My favorite hobby is ice skating)
- A mí me gusta mucho leer libros de romance (I love to read romance books)
- Yo amo cocinar pasteles y tartas (I love baking cakes and pies)
- Ver películas y series en version original es mi pasión (Watching movies and series in original version is my passion)
- Me gusta tocar la guitarra con mi banda (I like to play guitar with my band)
- En mi tiempo libre hago yoga y pilates (In my free time I do yoga and pilates)
- Coleccionar sellos es lo mío (Stamp collecting is my thing)
- Me encantan los animales, sobre todo los gatos (I love animals, especially cats)
The list of things and topics to talk about while introducing yourself in Spanish is endless. These are just a few examples, but you may decide to tell other things or talk about your family. Venture into the Spanish language and continue learning with Enforex!
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