Innovation, debate and technique held hands in the I International Congress of Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Languages. This Congress, held at the Dehesa de la Villa University Campus (Madrid) is organized by the Antonio de Nebrija University, and is born with the spirit of becoming an essential date in the world of the teaching of languages. In the next video, you can see a summary of the contents and the philosophy of this congress.
Some representatives of the Valencia ENFOREX school attended this event. María Sabas gave the lecture Pronunciation, the great forgotten in the ELE classroom; likewise, other teachers from our school organized several practical workshops: Intonation, by Manuel Rosales and María Jiménez; Games, by Sandra García, and Typologies in the teaching/learning of Spanish as a foreign language and learner types, by Ana de Vargas.
During the three days that the Congress lasted, the participants had the chance of learning about the advances in the teaching of languages, teaching techniques and the latest publications on these matters. All those didactic resources are possible due to the modernizing zeal in the teaching of languages, what makes of our teachers not only excellent educators, but also pioneers in a field that is every day more and more influential.
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