Imagine you are on vacation in Spain and, during a meal or sporting activity, a tooth breaks or a filling pops out. How do you explain to the dentist in Spanish what has happened?
Learning dental terminology in Spanish is vital if you are learning Spanish in Spain, vacationing in Mexico or visiting Spanish-speaking cities. You never know when an emergency will arise, and if your future or vacations involve a Spanish-speaking country, it's best to be prepared.
Because learning a new language is not just about studying what you are taught in Spanish classes, but also about being able to explain and communicate in your day-to-day life. That's why, in this Enforex article, you'll find the Spanish dental terms s for going to the dentist and explaining what's wrong with you, as well as some of the problems, procedures, instruments and materials used in the office.
What dental terminology in Spanish will you learn?
The Spanish dental terms you will learn in this article are related to your visit to the dentist. The different parts that make up the mouth, the working spaces and the instruments they use in their work, as well as the different procedures and problems you may develop in your mouth. The complete dental vocabulary guide you need to expand your knowledge in Spanish.
The dentist's office
- El/La dentista (The dentist)
- Asistente or Auxiliar (Assistant)
- Higienista (Hygienist)
- Técnico dental (Dental technician)
- Consultorio dental (Dental office)
- Laboratorio dental (Dental laboratory)
- Sala de espera (Waiting room)
- Silla dental (Dental chair)
- Máquina de radiografías (x-ray machine)

Parts of the mouth
- Boca (Mouth)
- Diente (Tooth)
- Encía (Gum)
- Raíz dental (Tooth root)
- Pulpa dental (Dental pulp)
- Dentina (Dentin)
- Esmalte (Enamel)
- Hueso maxilar (Maxillary bone)
- Nervio (Nerve)
- Muela (Molar)
- Premolar (Premolar tooth)
- Caninos/Colmillos (Canines)
- Diente de leche (Milk teeth)
- Muela del juicio (Wisdom tooth)
- Incisivo (Incisor)
- Dientes superiores (Upper teeth)
- Dientes inferiores (Lower teeth)
- Dentadura postiza (Denture)
- Lengua (Tongue)
- Labio superior e inferior (Upper and lower lip)
- Paladar (Palate)
- Campanilla (Uvula)
- Amígdalas (Tonsils)
- Frenillo de la lengua (Frenulum of the tongue)
- Saliva (Saliva)
- Papilas gustativas (Taste buds)
- Garganta (Throat)
Dental problems
- Caries (Caries)
- Absceso (Abscess)
- Infección dental (Dental infection)
- Encías sensibles (Sensitive gums)
- Dientes sensibles (Sensitive teeth)
- Dolor de muelas (Toothache)
- Mal aliento (Bad breath)
- Afta (Thrush)
- Sarro (Tartar)
- Inflamación de encías (Inflamed gums)
- Dientes flojos (Loose teeth)
- Gingivitis (Gingivitis)
- Candidiasis bucal (Oral candidiasis)
- Úlcera (Ulcer)
- Yaga (Sore)
- Herida (Wound)
- Bruxismo (Bruxism)
- Periodontitis (Periodontitis)
- Curetaje (Curettage)

Dental treatment
- Tratamiento dental (Dental treatment)
- Cirugía bucal (Dental surgery)
- Relleno / Empaste (Filling)
- Endodoncia (Endodontics)
- Limpieza dental (Dental cleaning)
- Puente dental (Dental bridge)
- Biopsia (Biopsy)
- Amalgama (Amalgam)
- Anestesia (Anesthesia)
- Ortodoncia (Orthodontics)
- Endodoncia (Endodontics)
- Blanqueamiento dental (Tooth whitening)
- Extracción (Extraction)
- Corona (Crown)
- Implante (Implant)
- Prótesis dental (Dental prosthesis)
- Retenedor (Retainer)
- Brackets (Braces)
- Férula dental (Dental splint)
Dentist materials
- Taladro dental (Dental drill)
- Separador dental (Dental separator)
- Espejo dental (Dental mirror)
- Aspirador de secreciones (Secretion aspirator)
- Jeringa (Syringe)
- Hilo dental (Dental floss)
- Pasta de dientes (Toothpaste)
- Cepillo de dients (Toothbrush)
- Colutorio/Enjuague bucal (Mouthwash)
- Sellador (Sealant)
- Gasa (Gauze)
- Resina (Resin)
In addition to all these terms, here is a list of some of the verbs that you and the dentist may use during the consultation:
- Morder (to bite)
- Lavar (to wash)
- Sangrar (to bleed)
- Escupir (to spit)
- Enjuagar (to rinse)
- Cepillar (to brush)
- Respirar (to breathe)
- Restaurar (to restore)
- Extraer (to extract)
- Arreglar (to fix)
- Cubrir (to cover)
- Comer (to eat)
- Beber (to drink)
- Masticar (to chew)
- Tragar (to swallow)
- Rellenar (to fill)
- Enderezar (to straighten)
- Suturar (to sutur)
- Inflamar (inflammation)
On the other hand, below, you will find some Spanish phrases using the dental terms we have mentioned above. All these phrases can be used by you or by the dentist:
- Por favor, abra la boca (Please, open your mouth)
- ¿Le duele algún diente? (Does any of your teeth hurt?)
- ¿Usa hilo dental todos los días? (Do you floss every day?)
- Voy a hacerle una limpieza dental (I am going to have your teeth cleaned)
- Necesita un empaste para la caries de la muela (You need a filling for tooth decay)
- Tiene que cepillarse los dientes tres veces al día (You need to brush your teeth three times a day)
- ¿Siente sensibilidad al frío o al calor? (Are you sensitive to hot or cold?)
- Vamos a hacerle una radiografía de los dientes (We are going to x-ray your teeth)
- El tratamiento de ortodoncia puede durar dos años (Orthodontic treatment can last two years)
- ¿Te sangran las envías cuando te cepillas? (Do your gums bleed when you brush?)
- Me molesta la muela de la parte derecha (My right molar is bothering me)
- Llevo unos días que el colmillo se mueve (For a few days now, my tooth has been moving)
- Me duele al masticar cuando como (It hurts when I chew when I eat)
- ¿Se necesita anestesia para sacarme la muela? (Do I need anesthesia to remove my tooth?)
- Tiene una pequeña fractura en el diente (You have a small fracture in your tooth)
Would you now be able to explain to the dentist what is wrong with you and the reason for your visit? Surely you will be able to communicate with the doctor without any problem thanks to all the new dental vocabulary you have learned. Keep going and learning new terms to improve your level and communication in Spanish! Enforex helps you with its Spanish courses or all the resources you can find in our blog.
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