A basic Spanish vocabulary lesson when you are starting to learn Spanish in Spain is the months and the seasons of the year. Depending on the time of the year you visit Spain, you can enjoy one season or another, a cold climate or a warm one.
Don't wait any longer and read on to learn all the relevant Spanish vocabulary about the seasons of the year and the months.
The Spanish seasons of the year, as in the rest of the languages, are four: primavera (spring), verano (summer), otoño (autumn) and invierno (winter). These climatic divisions occur cyclically on the planet, marking changes in temperature, amount of sunlight and other environmental factors.
The length of each season is three months and, depending on the hemisphere, these vary in the exact months in which they begin and end. So, once you've learned the Spanish days of the week and Spanish weather vocabulary, it's time to get started with the seasons of the year in Spanish.
The months of the year in Spanish
The year is made up of twelve months and these are the months in Spanish:
- Enero (January)
- Febrero (February)
- Marzo (March)
- Abril (April)
- Mayo (May)
- Junio (June)
- Julio (July)
- Agosto (August)
- Septiembre (September)
- Octubre (October)
- Noviembre (November)
- Diciembre (December)
Unlike in English, the months of the year in Spanish are always written with a lowercase letter, except if they are the first word of a sentence.
Each month is associated with a season of the year, which varies according to the region of the world you are in. In the northern hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere, the seasons begin and end in different months of the year.
Spanish seasons
Here you will learn each of the Spanish seasons.
Primavera (spring)
La primavera is a season of renewal, when nature begins to awaken after the cold. Trees bloom, the weather becomes warmer, and the days lengthen. Spring in the northern hemisphere begins in March and ends in June.
Specifically, spring begins around March 21 with the vernal equinox, when day and night are of equal length, and ends around June 21, when summer begins.
The spring months are March, April and May.
In many cultures, spring is seen as a symbol of growth and new beginnings.

Verano (summer)
El verano is the warmest season of the year and a favorite of many. It is a period when the days are long, sunny and temperatures are higher. Summer in the northern hemisphere begins in June and ends in September.
Specifically, it begins around June 21, with the summer solstice, when the longest day of the year occurs, and ends around September 21.
The summer months are June, July and August.
In this season, people usually enjoy vacations, the sea and outdoor activities. It is also a time full of life and energy, when many take the opportunity to travel and enjoy the good weather.
Otoño (autumn)
El otoño is a transitional season, when temperatures begin to drop. The leaves on the trees change color and fall off, while the weather becomes cooler. Autumn in the northern hemisphere begins in September and ends in December.
The autumnal equinox occurs around September 21, marking the beginning of the season, which lasts until December 21, when winter begins.
The autumn months are September, October and November.

Invierno (winter)
El invierno is the coldest season of the year, characterized by short days, long nights and low temperatures. In some regions, snow and ice dominate the landscape. Winter in the northern hemisphere begins in December and ends in March.
The winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, occurs around December 21 and lasts until March 21, when spring begins.
The winter months are December, January and February.
Winter is a time of recollection and rest, when many people take the opportunity to enjoy indoor activities or participate in Christmas celebrations.

The seasons of the year in Spanish are closely related to changes in the weather and nature. Each season brings with it different traditions, activities and ways of living the weather.
Have you learned some new vocabulary and have any doubts? Take advantage of our intensive Spanish course to ask the teachers any questions you have about the seasons or the months in Spanish. Don't be left with doubts and continue learning the second most spoken language in the world.
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