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Synonyms and antonyms in Spanish

Synonyms and antonyms in Spanish

Synonyms and antonyms in Spanish. Do you know how to find the Spanish synonyms and antonyms of these words in Spanish? Find out here!

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Have you ever wondered what is the opposite word of calor in Spanish? Or how to say calor with another word? Well, what you are looking for is an antonym and a synonym in Spanish, that is, word to enrich your Spanish vocabulary.

Because when you learn a new language like Spanish, an effective way to expand your vocabulary is to understand the use of synonyms and antonyms in Spanish. These concepts are fundamental to expressing ideas in different ways and improve your fluency and communication.

Below, we explain what Spanish synonyms and antonyms are, the types that exist and some practical examples to see how they work.

What is a Spanish synonym?

A Spanish synonym is a word that has the same or a very similar meaning to another word. Synonyms in Spanish are useful for avoiding repetition in speech or writing, making your ideas richer and more varied.

For example, bonito and hermoso (pretty and beautiful) or rápido and veloz (fast and quick) are Spanish synonyms because they have very similar meanings.

Types of Spanish synonyms

There are different types of synonyms in Spanish. We can distinguish:

Absolute synonyms. These are words that have the same meaning and can be interchanged in any context. Example: niño and infante (child and infant).

Partial synonyms. These are words that have similar meanings but cannot always be used in the same context. Example: casa and hogar (house and home). The word casa is physical building, while hogar also includes the idea of a familiar environment.

Spanish synonyms

What is a Spanish antonym?

A Spanish antonym is a word that has an opposite or opposite meaning to another word. Antonyms in Spanish are essential for describing contrasts and differences.

For example, the Spanish words alto and bajo (tall and short), feliz and triste (happy and sad) or bonito and feo (pretty and ugly) are antonyms because they mean the opposite.

Types of Spanish antonyms

Like synonyms, antonyms also have different types in Spanish.

Gradual antonyms. They represent an opposition that can vary in degrees. There are intermediate terms between the two. For example, calor and frío (cold and hot), between these two terms there are others, such as templado (temperate) or tibio (lukewarm), which are found between the two.

Complementary antonyms. One of the terms eliminates the other; they cannot occur at the same time. For example, vivo and muerto (alive and dead), since something or someone cannot be alive and dead at the same time.

Reciprocal antonyms. One implies the existence of the other. For example, comprar and vender (buy and sell); if someone buys an apple, someone else sells it.

panish antonyms

List of synonyms and antonyms in Spanish

Below you will find some of the basic Spanish words with their synonyms and antonyms.

Spanish synonyms and antonyms

Phrases with Spanish synonyms and antonyms

These sentences contain words above with their synonyms or antonyms in Spanish. Can you guess which is which?

antonym - alto bajo

Answers: synonyms, synonyms, antonyms, antonyms, antonyms, antonyms, synonyms, antonyms, antonyms, antonyms, antonyms, antonyms.

Have you been left wanting to learn more about synonyms and antonyms? At Enforex we have the solution: sign up for one of our intensive Spanish courses to continue improving and expanding your vocabulary. We have schools in different parts of Spain and Latin America with qualified teachers who will help you achieve the level of Spanish you desire. Don't hesitate any longer and visit us!

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