San Jose - Costa Rica
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Accommodations in San José

When you sign up for accommodation with us in San José, you can stay either with a host family or in a shared apartment.

  • Host families
  • Shared Apartment

All families live close to the school, in homes considered middle class by Costa Rican standards. The way of life may be simpler than European and North American customs; regardless your house will be clean and comfortable.

Heredia Accommodation

Our host families are eclectic: they may be young couples without children, couples with children of all age brackets, an older couple whose children no longer live at home, etc. Across the board, you can rest assured that each family has been carefully selected and screened to ensure that you enjoy the highest quality experience.

If you want to meet other international students, then we recommend that you choose the shared apartment option, where you'll be in an independent environment and have the opportunity to practice your Spanish with people from around the world.

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20 types of Spanish programs for all ages, with accommodation & excellent services.
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