
Teaching Spanish in Spain and Latin America since 1989


Book Your Course Now!

If you prefer, you can print and send the PDF application form by e-mail to registration@enforex.es

Please download Adobe Reader in order to read our application form.


Personal details

Male Female

(country / city dial number)

during the ENFOREX course

Course selection

Please select the course you would like to take and fill out the rest of fields.

IMPORTANT: Options often vary by city and course. If you are not sure of the options available, place your mouse over the question mark next to each field.

Please note that courses ALWAYS begin on Monday. Some courses have specific starting dates -- you can see them by placing the mouse over the question mark next to the "start date" field.

Do you want to combine cities? If so, please check the box and tell us the course, cities and dates you would like to combine here:

One on One Course. If you choose a One on One Course, please check the box and indicate the number of lessons per week you would like to take. If you want to take a One on One Course with 1 or 2 more students or incorporate a special interest, please check the box and tell us your preferences.

Please note that to enroll in private tuition classes for more than 1 person participating, students must arrive together (be friends or family) and be of the same Spanish level.

Additional information

Airport Transfers

If you would like to be met at the airport and transferred to your accommodation, please complete the data below:

Arrival transfer *

Yes, I want arrival transfer No, I do not want arrival transfer

am pm

Please advise ENFOREX of your arrival details as soon as possible, at least 14 days before the course begins.

Return transfer

Yes, I want return transfer No, I do not want return transfer

am pm

Our driver will meet you holding an ENFOREX sign with your name on it in the arrivals lounge. If your flight is delayed, changed or canceled, please contact us immediately at this number: +34 636 450 998. Otherwise, Enforex will not be held responsible for picking you up and there will be no refund.

Travel and Medical Insurance

Students are advised to get their own medical insurance before departure. ENFOREX can provide insurance:

Yes No


Would you like us to arrange your accommodation? If so, please check the box and indicate your preferences.

Please note that accomodations are available from 12:00 noon (except Cadiz: 18:00) on the Sunday before the first day of the course until 12:00 noon on the Saturday after the last day of classes (Friday). An extra fee will be charged for extra days, but we cannot guarantee availability. 4 or more additional days will amount to the cost of another week.

Please check the box of the accommodation, type of room and meal option you would like.

Accommodation *

Host Family

Student residence *

Shared apartment

Private apartment

Type of room *


Shared room, with whom?


Double for individual use **

Triple ***

* Residences are not available in Alicante, Cadiz, Pamplona or Tenerife.
** Double room for individual use is only available for Shared Student Apartments (not in residences or host families).
*** Triple rooms are only available in residences or shared apartments

Meals *

Without meals *

Bed & Breakfast **

Half Board (Breakfast & Dinner) ***

Full Board (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner) ***

* The no meals option is the only option available for Shared and Private Apartments.
** Only available in residences and host families.
*** Half board and full board meal plans are only available in residence and host family accommodation options.

Extra information

Yes No
Yes No
Yes No

Is there anything else we need to know about (diets, medical problems, allergies, dislike of pets) in order to help us find you a suitable family? If so, please check the box and indicate your preferences.

Laundry is included in the home stay accommodation in Spain. A deposit is required for accommodation in apartments and residences. Water and electricity are included in the fees. We will also send you instructions on how to reach your accommodation by public transport along with confirmation of your booking. You should arrange to arrive on Sunday PM and leave on Saturday AM. In case you arrive or depart before or after, there will be extra night charges. You should also advise your host family or the school of your estimated time of arrival. Every effort will be made to arrange accommodation as requested. However, this can not be guaranteed in the case of late bookings.


To confirm your booking a deposit of 210 euros deductable from the total (NON REFUNDABLE) must be paid either to ENFOREX or to our local representative. This deposit is not an additional cost. The remaining fees must be paid at least 4 weeks before arrival. No course fees will be refunded after the course has started (Cancellation policy is available in our general price list). For cancellations please see the general conditions attached.


Today, I would ONLY like to pay the 210€ deposit.

Today, I would like to pay the following amount (Please remember: minimum 210€ for the deposit).


Please indicate how you would like to pay.

Bank Transfer *
Visa or Master Card
To our Representative

Bank tranfers are made payable to IDEAL EDUCATION GROUP S.L.


IBAN NUMBER:ES26-0081-0298-4800-0121-4223
ACCOUNT NUMBER:0081-0298-4800-0121-4223
BRANCH ADDRESS:Enrique Larreta, 12 - 28036 Madrid, SPAIN

* please e-mail us a copy of the wire transfer to registration@enforex.es with your name clearly shown


Fill this out ONLY if you are paying by VISA or Master Card.
Transactions with other credit cards (e.g. American Express) are not possible.

Visa Master Card

I understand that the amount authorized to charge in US dollars will be converted into euros at the exchange rate of the day of the charge. I understand that by sending this form I accept all Enforex conditions and certify that the information given above is true.

Special Requests or Comments

I agree with all the ENFOREX conditions. Read Terms

Please note that the conditions of this booking are subject to the restrictions and specifications found in this website. In the event of discrepancy, the prices and terms detailed in the price pages of the English version of enforex.com shall prevail.