Burgos with its intense summer heat is a beautiful destination and is known for having one of the most picturesque gothic cathedrals in Spain, gothic architecture is usually rather modest with its colour scheme and typically aims to portray the vibe from when it was created though this breaks that rule. Another important factor about the cathedral is it is the burial grounds of El Cid underneath its foundations, it has certainly gained some important additions over the years as it began as a rather simple church with new constructions added throughout the years.
If you are looking for somewhere that follows the Gothic theme then look no further than one of the great museums around, Museo de Burgos, it has a wide and interesting collection of gothic tombs and archaelogical artificacts for you to look through to quench your thirst for knowledge about Burgos. Another interesting point to head towards is known as the Puerte de San Pablo which has a list of Christian knights and churchmen statues all lined up on this bridge.
If your feeling in the party mood keep your diary open for the Festividad de San Pedro y San Pablo, it has a huge range of activities such as bullfighting and music and a general party atmosphere so your guarenteed for a good time!
Want more information about Burgos? Check out our Burgos Guide
Spanish Courses in Burgos
There aren't any language schools in Burgos at the moment but there are a list of locations all around Spain and Latin America that you can check with the link below that will give more detail about the fantastic schools for Enforex that will help you pick up the Spanish language and use it in places like Burgos. What are you waiting for!