Spanish Courses in Cartagena, Colombia

Our quality Spanish Courses in Cartagena taught by our highly qualified teachers have been designed for you to get the most out of your learning experience. You have various options to choose from: 20 weekly lesson intensive courses, 15 lesson part-time courses (in small groups) and a wide variety of individual courses (from standard to super-intensive) in which you’ll receive personalized attention.
If you’re looking for Spanish classes in Cartagena for professionals that work in specific fields, we also offer courses such as business Spanish. These Spanish courses in Cartagena are a great opportunity to broaden your professional horizons!
But let’s not forget that Cartagena is a perfect city for having fun and getting to know Latin America. That’s why we also offer a volunteer course here and a course that gives you the special opportunity to improve your Spanish and scuba diving!
The following Spanish courses are available in Cartagena. Click on the Spanish course you're interested in to see more details.
- Intensive Spanish Courses (20 lessons per week)
- Private Spanish Classes (5, 10 or 20 lessons per week)
- Spanish language groups (Tailor-made Spanish courses for groups)
- Volunteer Abroad Program