What to do in Valencia when you don't like the Fallas
The first 19 days of March for many residents of Valencia is, at the very least, tremendous. The streets fill with people, streets are closed, it is impossible to park and the smell of gunpowder reeks throughout the city: The fallas. But what can you do if none of this is your cup of tea? Maybe these suggestions will help you deal with these days, especially the last week of this festival.
The first rule of the Fallas if you do not like them is to avoid the downtown since this is ground zero for any Falla related activity. City Hall Plaza, Avenida Guillem de Castro and the area around the El Carmen neighborhood should be avoided completely.
The Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias is a very attractive place during Las Fallas. Spring means that the plants are ready to bloom and as the weather begins to improve with sunny and longer days, this place becomes a much more attractive destination. In general, there is more entertainment and services available in Valencia during this time so as to take advantage of the arrival of thousands of visitors to the city of Valencia. For example, the Museo de las Ciencias Felipe always programs a large number of activities and thematic expositions, while outside there are fun games and activities organized around the surrounding reflecting pools. It is not uncommon to find giant balls and kayaks for people to use on the water or can always go on the highly recommended guided "train" tour around the city.
Another part of the city that is very popular during the Fallas is the Paseo Marítimo. With its seasonal terraces hanging up the "open" sign, visitors will have the chance to take advantage of the mild Mediterranean climate. These pleasant spaces dotting the promenade facing the sea offer music, drinks and all kinds of local cuisine. Far from the monumental falleros and tracas (bonfires and firecrackers), mascletás and fireworks; the beach is a soothing area of peace and relative quiet. Even though there is a higher than normal amount of tourists and visitors to this area, it is still below what you would find in summer.
Although you may not like the fallas that does not mean that some events related to this festival can't be attractive. It should be mentioned that there is an incredible amount of programmed entertainment during the Fallas, especially the Fallas concert program. During this festival many artists choose to come to perform in Valencia to the delight of their fans. Far from the possibilities that each falla may or may not be able to permit with its budget, the concerts held in the Parque de los Viveros are the most attractive and are far enough from the center of town that anyone can enjoy a show there without having to wander into the masses found in the middle of the Old City.